Walcha Show Society ( formerly the Walcha P.A. & H. Association ) held its first show in its own right in 1878. For some years prior to that Walcha and Uralla ran an annual show alternating between the towns.
The original showground was very much smaller being within the block bounded by Derby, Jamieson, Packington and North streets. Over the years North Street was moved further south to enclose land donated by the Nivison’s which is where the rodeo ring is now situated. Later additions included closing the adjoining section of Packington Street and adding land to the east and land to the south east donated by Jim Fletcher.
A major rebuilding programe took place in the 1960’s when the Youth Hall was built and used for the main pavilion, the old pavilion converted to a dining room/kitchen, the old luncheon pavilion converted to a poultry pavilion and a new horticulture pavilion built.
All this plus the ongoing additions and improvements, has created the lovely, compact showground we now have. Walcha Showground is one of the most used grounds in the area.
Along with the Walcha Races, the annual Walcha Show is the highlight of the communities social calendar and is considered by many to be the best country show around.