Chief Steward and Ringmaster | Andrew Crawford James Hunt |
Stewards | P Blomfield, H Wauch, M Whitehead, K Smith, Sandy Bingley, R Matthews, Chris McNaught, Col McNaught,Ang Berry, Libby Rogers, Ro Koebel, Tracie Yarnold |
Announcers | Pippie O’Brien, George Spring, Sam Martin, Nat Brazel |
Recorder | Clem O’Gorman, Jill Burnell |
Entry Stewards | Penny King, Ruth Fletcher |
Marshalling Stewards | Mark Berry, Shane Carey, Michael Rogers |
All ring events, jumping and sporting entries will be post entries by ticket at the marshalling yards.
Unless otherwise stated, ENTRY FEES in all events will be $2PRIZEMONEY will be First $7, Second $3.
Pairs and fours will be treated as one entry.
NB: Camping and horse stalls are free
NOVICE exhibit: A horse who has not won a championship at any recognised Agricultural Society or Hack Council Show.
MAIDEN exhibits: Once a horse, galloway or pony has won first prize at any recognised Agricultural or Pastoral Show, in any single class, such animal is no longer eligible for maiden classes.
All horses, whereby height is appropriate to nomination, should be officially measured by the Official Measurer on the day of judging unless they are holders of current EFA Height Certificate. Riders under 18 years may not ride or handle stallions.
All papers for registration and membership in breed classes must be available for inspection by the ring stewards.
Where competition is restricted to the Walcha district, this shall mean, in horse events, the horse; in riding events, the rider; the area shall comprise the Shire of Walcha, Wollun, Woolbrook, Niangala, Nowendoc and Yarrowitch districts (2354 Postcode), and members of the Walcha Pony Club.
Ring events commence 8.30am Friday and 8am Saturday.
It is a condition of entry, that all horses competing at this Show, compete on the understanding that drug testing may be carried out and if drugs are detected then penalties will apply.
ALL STALLS ARE FREE. Closed stalls must be used for stallions, and can only be used by other horses if not required for stallions.
• Champion and Reserve Led Thoroughbred
• Champion and Reserve Led Australian Stock Horse
• Champion and Reserve Led ANSA
• Champion and Reserve Led any other breed over 15hh
• Champion and Reserve Led Show Hunter Horse
• Champion and Reserve Ridden Breed Hack over 15hh
• Champion and Reserve erve Ridden Breed Galloway
• Champ Galloway – $100
• I.S. Balmain Champion and Reserve Walcha District Hack – $100
• Grand Ch• Cameron Martin Fertilizer Services Champion and Reserve Open Pony Hack – $100
• O’Gorman Pty Ltd Champion and Reserve Open Galloway Hack – $100
• E W King Memorial Champion and Reserve Hack over 15hh – $100
• FW Nivison Supreme Champion Hack, Galloway or Pony – $100
• Champion and Reserve Junior Girl Rider
• Champion and Reserve Junior Boy Rider
• ChampioLed Registered Thoroughbred
Stewards | Annyka Overton, Guy Lord, Aylie Allen, Nick Jenkins, Andrew Locke, Bruce Rutherford. |
All classes to be run under EA rules.
Course Builder: TBA
Judge: Pauline McLymonts
Dress rules apply for all official classes (1.05m and above). Horses may only enter two consecutive classes per day (excludes Hoof and Woof and Six Bar).
Please Note: All helmets must be tagged as per Equestrian Australia requirements.
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