Stewards |
Vicki McIvor 0427 772 950
Bronwyn Koebel, Kerry Dickson, Lyn Burnell, Marlene Cotton, Tracey Crisp, Samantha Lockyer, Carol Marchant, Anthea Macpherson |
Read schedule carefully, changes have been made. Only cook what is specified
Entries must be at the pavilion by 10.30am Thursday 13th March. Judging at 11am
Pavilion closes 5pm Saturday for unpacking displays.
* * Collection time - 5.30 to 6 pm **
Stewards will sign out cooking when collected
If cooking is not picked up by 6pm, it will be disposed of.
• All cakes to be cooked in 8 inch/20cm round or square tins unless specified.
• Boards will be provided for cooking then placed in plastic bags after judging.
Only ice top of cake.
* Cakes not to show cake rack marks, let cool slightly then turn out onto covered rack.
* Use tried and true recipes unless specified.
* Keep biscuits fresh in airtight container.
* Dried fruit - chop evenly i.e.: raisins into 2-3 pieces, cherries into 4, almonds 3-4 pieces
* Have ingredients at room temperature
* To test cake is cooked - insert a thin toothpick into cake (off centre) to see if it comes out clean. Not the centre, that’s where to Judge cuts the cake.
* Please, no packet mixes
Entry fee for Sections 1 to 46
$1 per entry for non members
1 – 5 $5 First, $2 Second
6 – 46 $2 First, $1 second
(Please use this specified recipe)
250g margarine
1 cup castor sugar
grated rind of 1 orange
2 eggs – separated
2 cups plain flour
¼ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup milk
3 teaspoons cocoa
Preheat oven to 180℃. Grease and line a 20cm tin. For cake, cream margarine and sugar, add grated rind and well beaten egg yolks. Add sifted flour, salt and baking powder alternately with the milk. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Divide mixture into two equal parts, add cocoa to one half with a little extra milk, and pour in layers into prepared tin. Bake for 40 minutes, or until cooked.
1 tablespoon margarine
2 tablespoons cocoa
1½ cup icing sugar-sifted
3 tablespoons hot milk
Cream the icing ingredients and ice the cake, on top only.
(Please bring list of ingredients)
(Please use this specified recipe
1 cup vegetable oil
1 ½ cups castor sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup cooked and pureed beetroot
3 eggs, beaten
1 ½ cups self-raising flour
½ cup cocoa
Preheat oven to 150℃ for fan forced oven or 170℃ for conventional oven. Grease a 20cm cake tin.
Mix together oil, sugar, vanilla and beetroot. Gradually add eggs, and then stir in sifted flour and cocoa. Pour into tin and bake in oven for 70 minutes or until cooked.
Year 7 to Year 12
For Walcha District only - Entry is free
(Please use this specified recipe)
Ingredients - at room temperature
125g butter, softened
165g castor sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
450 g self-raising flour - sifted
Pinch of salt
125mls milk
Preheat oven to moderate temperature -180℃. Grease and line a 20cm round tin
Cream butter and sugar until pale and creamy, then add eggs one at a time, beat well after each addition. Fold in sifted flour alternately with the milk. Pour batter into prepared greased tin and bake for 50-60 minutes or until cooked. Turn out onto a covered wire rack to cool.
125g sifted icing sugar
1 teaspoon butter, softened
2-4 teaspoons hot water
Mix until smooth and spread on top of cake only. (If icing is too runny add a little more icing sugar)
2 Sultana cake, no icing
3 Plain butter cake, icing optional, on top only
4 Patty cakes, do not use patty papers, iced and plainly decorated, 3 only
5 Slice, own choice, 4x4cm 3 pieces only
6 Scones, plain, 3 only must not be joined when being cooked
7 Biscuits own choice, 3 only
'Favourite Hero'
Judged only on decoration
No larger than a 9 inch board
Arrowroot biscuits, decorated, 3 only
Please write child's name/age on the white strip of a zippy bag, place biscuits into the bag on a small paper plate, with clear side
up for viewing.